PhD positions:
We accept application for a motivated PhD candidate to work in the development and chemistry of novel nitride antiperovskite (nano)materials. Interested candidates are encouraged to send an email to Dr. Loredana Protesescu.
The application package must include: (i) Application Letter, (ii) extended CV, (iii) and 2-3 recommendation letters (sent by the referees upon request), transcripts and any other relevant documents.
PhD candidates with interest in applying for fellowship are considered. Please send to Dr. Loredana Protesescu:
i) Application Letter where you should state the granting possibilities for the fellowship, (ii) extended CV, (iii) and 2-3 recommendation letters (sent by the referees upon request), transcripts and any other relevant documents.
Postdoctoral positions:
Motivated postdoctoral candidates interested in working with us, are encouraged to send an email to Dr. Loredana Protesescu with their motivation and funding opportunities.